Swiss German University

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Get a double degree from Germany

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Study Programs We Offer

All study programs are offered with double degree from partner universities in Swiss or Germany

Mechatronics Study Program

Mechatronics refers to an integrated approach to the multi-disciplinary field involving mechanical engineering, electronics, and computer sciences. The applications of this field are numerous, ranging from manufacturing automation to smart product designs. Our graduates are able to modernize older technological capabilities to take products and manufacturing to the next level. SGU Mechatronics is now partnered with SIEMENS as the first University in South East Asia authorized to conduct Siemens Certification Program.

IT Technopreneurship

Many applications today have been extensively equipped with Artificial Intelligence (AI) capability, which makes them more interesting and useful. Besides, the amount of data that is generated online everyday is enormous. This huge amount of data, termed with Big Data is of little use unless it is processed to produce useful insights for business, government, education, society, research etc. Moreover, IT and the Internet have opened big opportunities for many to become IT Entrepreneurs. Many millennial and Z generation have been so attracted by entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship and Startup have become a jargon in almost all educational institutions. SGU Bachelor IT has been in the forefront in providing IT skills since the beginning. We constantly adapt our teaching to align with the demand of industry. As we have highlighted above, that the need for AI and Data Scientist as well as IT Entrepreneur is increasing, that’s why our new curriculum offered in 2020 will have these two concentrations, AI and Data Scientist and IT Technopreneurship.

Industrial Engineering Smart Industry

Artificial intelligence (AI) and data analytics have become new alternative methods that are frequently used for systems optimization in the era of Industry 4.0, for example in process automation, e-commerce, business intelligence and analytics, and predictive maintenance. Utilizing AI and data analytics for improving engineering and business systems requires good understanding and competences in operations management, logistics and supply chain, human factors, economy, and optimization methods. These competences assure that the investment on new sophisticated technology implementation could lead the organization to higher performance and efficiency, along with better sustainability. In order to support the Indonesian government’s initiatives in Industry 4.0 and circular economy, along with the needs of digital talents that rising in the future of works, Industrial Engineering: Smart Industry of Swiss German University facilitates with the curriculum and conducts collaborative programs with industry and partner universities that are aligned with the needs of human capitals that have competences to optimize the performance of engineering and business systems with artificial intelligence and data analytics

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Our facilities

Chemistry Lab

Experience advanced research at our chemistry lab

Sport Facilities

Excellent sport facilities at Alam Sutera sports club

Electronics Lab

Advanced electronics lab sponsored by Festo Automation

What Our Students Says

dfghjk aertyu ertyu fghj sd tyhbvfdrt rtghj

b vdghsjd yesujdh eusijdhe swuydhjew sduyfhdrejs dufyhtjre sdufghtrnd uhijhyutigkh uolykgjfhdgs df gyhtrenjsduf gytjrhdf gytirjf gtujfn fgh.

Christine Berkley

b vdghsjd yesujdh eusijdhe swuydhjew sduyfhdrejs dufyhtjre sdufghtrnd uhijhyutigkh uolykgjfhdgs df gyhtrenjsduf gytjrhdf gytirjf gtujfn fgh.

David Byer

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